What do you think about residing and living in the Netherlands? Make yourself heard via Share my Voice!
The Netherlands needs migrant workers. Hundreds of thousands of migrant workers from all over the world are working in the Netherlands, and many companies cannot manage without them. Certainly now, in a time of labour shortages. However, most people in the Netherlands know little about migrant workers. There is a lot of talk about migrant workers, but hardly any talk with migrant workers. That is why Share My Voice likes to hear the views of migrant workers themselves. We conduct brief surveys among migrant workers so that their voice can be heard.
How do migrant workers feel about the Netherlands?
Migrant workers are incredibly important to the Netherlands. However, people hardly ever listen to their opinions, feelings and experiences. This means the voices of migrant workers are not being heard. That is why we have launched Share My Voice. Share My Voice is an independent research panel of and for migrant workers. Share My Voice conducts brief surveys so that the voice of migrant workers can be heard. This means companies and governments can be better informed and thus make better decisions.
Share your opinion too!
We also need your help for our next survey, so take part and let your voice be heard! This survey is about the residential and living situation of migrant workers and their plans for the future, in the Netherlands or elsewhere. Help us improve the employment conditions and quality of life of migrant workers and let your voice be heard via www.sharemyvoice.eu! Participate and also have a chance to win one of the 5 Amazon vouchers of €100 or one of the vouchers of €25 euros.

Independent research
Share My Voice is an initiative of Het Kenniscentrum Arbeidsmigranten: an independent foundation whose goal it is to develop and gather knowledge about migrant workers. Surveys are carried out among migrant workers about various topics, for example, working conditions, housing, integration, ambitions and prospects for the future. With these surveys, we strive to better inform civilians, businesses, governments and other parties about labour migrants. This improves the information available to them and allows them to better attract, motivate and retain migrant workers, while also making better decisions. Think of e.g. other, more affordable forms of housing, more development opportunities in the workplace and less prejudice among Dutch people.