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Tipos de Donativos de Membresías

Nuestra asociación se rige y toma decisiones en base a sus miembros

  • Estudiante

    Every year
    Estudiantes de Maestría o Doctorado que buscan información y contactos por ser recién llegados
    • Todos los beneficios del plan profesional
    • No deducible de impuestos
  • Más elegido


    Every year
    Deducible de impuestos. Conecta, idea y colabora. Con tu donativo de membresía ayudas a fondear diversos eventos y proyectos.
    • Accede a una amplia red de contactos
    • Formarás parte y conectarás con la Red Global MX (RGMX)
    • Invitaciones a eventos especiales con precio preferente
    • Herramientas y asesoría para organizar tu proyecto o evento
    • Tu donativo membresía sirve para fondear proyectos y eventos
    • Voto en la asamblea anual (Plan de trabajo y Directiva)
  • Desempleados

    ¿Estás en búsqueda de trabajo? Expande tu red de contactos y aprende de otros.
    Valid for 12 months
    • Todos los del plan profesional
    • No deducible de impuestos


Those who have a special interest in exchanging experiences, contacts and knowledge that promote the development of Mexico from the Netherlands.


  • Academics, artists, athletes, executives, entrepreneurs, entrepreneurs, PhD students, masters and bachelor's degrees (at least one year), professionals, researchers. Mexicans who reside or have a link with the Netherlands.


  • The RdTM-NL accepts memberships of individuals only. The requirements are detailed in the statutes of the association. It is required to have a Mexican nationality, residing in the Netherlands or some type of relationship with the Netherlands, and to be up to date with their membership fees.

  • Be part of the most important Dutch-Mexican organization, formally established, recognized and promoted by Mexican authorities and with international prestige.

  • Have access to a wide network of Mexican contacts with diverse backgrounds, both in the Netherlands and in other Chapters established in different countries.

  • Have the support and promotion of the development and implementation of projects within multidisciplinary work teams with members of the RdTM-NL and other chapters.

  • Representativeness to Mexican and Dutch institutions for the management of procedures and services, as well as access to calls for projects, scholarships, congresses, seminars and other events organized by Mexican, Dutch or Global Mx Network institutions.

  • Development through activities such as seminars, conferences, workshops and round tables in different sectors, considering the specialities of its members (information technologies, sustainable development, business, mechatronics, communications, design, project management, leadership, entrepreneurship, among others).

  • Possibility of the undertaking and collaborating with projects by and for Mexico, as well as starting projects or undertaking in collaboration with other members.

  • Event invitations, many times with a special price for members.

Why and what are the benefits?


The current membership fee is € 60 per year, which must be covered in January of each year. The membership fee for students and the unemployed is € 10 per year.

Membership is automatically renewed on January 1 of each year. If you wish to unsubscribe from the RdTM-NL it is your responsibility to inform with a copy to the acting treasurer before December 31.


For any matter related to this topic, contact the Memberships at

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